Privacy Policy

Call to Schedule a Session: (561) 676-3518

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy governs the manner in which MK O’Regan collects, uses, maintains and discloses information collected from users (each, a “User”) of the website (“Site”). This privacy policy applies to the Site and all products and services offered by MK O’Regan.

Personal identification information
We may collect personal identification information from Users in a variety of ways, including, but not limited to, when Users visit our site, register on the site, place an order, subscribe to the newsletter, fill out a form, and in connection with other activities, services, features or resources we make available on our Site. Users may be asked for, as appropriate, name, email address, mailing address, phone number. Users may, however, visit our Site anonymously. We will collect personal identification information from Users only if they voluntarily submit such information to us. Users can always refuse to supply personally identification information, except that it may prevent them from engaging in certain Site related activities.

Non-personal identification information
We may collect non-personal identification information about Users whenever they interact with our Site. Non-personal identification information may include the browser name, the type of computer and technical information about Users means of connection to our Site, such as the operating system and the Internet service providers utilized and other similar information.

Web browser cookies
Our Site may use “cookies” to enhance User experience. User’s web browser places cookies on their hard drive for record-keeping purposes and sometimes to track information about them. User may choose to set their web browser to refuse cookies, or to alert you when cookies are being sent. If they do so, note that some parts of the Site may not function properly.

How we use collected information
MK O’Regan may collect and use Users personal information for the following purposes:

– To improve customer service
Information you provide helps us respond to your customer service requests and support needs more efficiently.

– To personalize user experience
We may use information in the aggregate to understand how our Users as a group use the services and resources provided on our Site.

– To process payments
We may use the information Users provide about themselves when placing an order only to provide service to that order. We do not share this information with outside parties except to the extent necessary to provide the service.

– To run a promotion, contest, survey or other Site feature
To send Users information they agreed to receive about topics we think will be of interest to them.

– To send periodic emails
We may use the email address to send them information and updates pertaining to their order. If User decides to opt-in to our mailing list, they will receive emails that may include company news, updates, related product or service information, etc. If at any time the User would like to unsubscribe from receiving future emails, we include detailed unsubscribe instructions at the bottom of each email.

How we protect your information
We adopt appropriate data collection, storage and processing practices and security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction of your personal information, username, password, transaction information and data stored on our Site.

Sensitive and private data exchange between the Site and its Users happens over a SSL secured communication channel and is encrypted and protected with digital signatures. Our Site is also in compliance with PCI vulnerability standards in order to create as secure of an environment as possible for Users.

Sharing your personal information
We do not sell, trade, or rent Users personal identification information to others. We may share generic aggregated demographic information not linked to any personal identification information regarding visitors and users with our business partners, trusted affiliates and advertisers for the purposes outlined above.

Third party websites
Users may find advertising or other content on our Site that link to the sites and services of our partners, suppliers, advertisers, sponsors, licensors and other third parties. We do not control the content or links that appear on these sites and are not responsible for the practices employed by websites linked to or from our Site. In addition, these sites or services, including their content and links, may be constantly changing. These sites and services may have their own privacy policies and customer service policies. Browsing and interaction on any other website, including websites which have a link to our Site, is subject to that website’s own terms and policies.

Google Adsense
Some of the ads may be served by Google. Google’s use of the DART cookie enables it to serve ads to Users based on their visit to our Site and other sites on the Internet. DART uses “non personally identifiable information” and does NOT track personal information about you, such as your name, email address, physical address, etc. You may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy at

Changes to this privacy policy
MK O’Regan has the discretion to update this privacy policy at any time. When we do, we will post a notification on the main page of our Site and send you an email. We encourage Users to frequently check this page for any changes to stay informed about how we are helping to protect the personal information we collect. You acknowledge and agree that it is your responsibility to review this privacy policy periodically and become aware of modifications.

Your acceptance of these terms
By using this Site, you signify your acceptance of this policy. If you do not agree to this policy, please do not use our Site. Your continued use of the Site following the posting of changes to this policy will be deemed your acceptance of those changes.

Contacting us
If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this site, please contact us on the number listed on this website.

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Real Clients, Real Reviews

View Client Testimonials

I’ve known M.K. for several years. She is one of those beautiful souls that we rarely meet. As a professional, M.K. is patient and direct. I needed this from her to heal hurts from the past. M.K. helped me to be more confident in my marriage, and life in general. She taught me when and how to speak my truth. M.K. demonstrated through her own actions that an authentic life is the best life.

Rhonni A. -

M.K. is a consummate professional who brings both passion and compassion to her work. She genuinely cares for each of her clients and invests time and energy into them helping them improve the quality of their lives. She is a tireless advocate for those assigned to her.

Michelle C. -

M.K. offers insight into the most complicated of clients. She has a plethora of information and can expertly interpret this information to assist others in their sobriety. She is compassionate, warm and friendly which invites the clients to trust her. In my 35 years as a licensed therapist in Palm Beach County I have never seen a therapist more skilled in the area of addiction than M.K..

Marilyn M. -

I can think of few people for whom I am more pleased to give a testimonial. I have known M.K. for 27 years. I have referred many clients and friends to her, as well as being a client myself and referring members of my family. I know of no better counselor (and I know many) to deal with problems of substance abuse and family dysfunction. I believe strongly that you cannot resolve any problem unless you know the truth of it. There is no one I know who is better at getting to the truth and separating the “wheat from the chaff” than M.K.. With truth there is hope for successful resolution even for the most devastating problems.

Scott B. -

M.K. has a vast amount of compassionate knowledge to share with those who are faced with addiction in their family. Additionally she has the skill to clarify family dynamics and develop coping mechanisms for all involved. I still hear her voice in my head when those difficult times are presented; It allows me to stay calm through the situation.

Tony S. -

During a very difficult time in my recovery I took the advise of a friend and sought help from M.K. With compassion and humor she expertly guided me into discovering who I was at the core, my true self. I became aware that I was an “Adult Child” with deep shame feelings that I had always been afraid to face. First of all, M.K. referred me to the fellowship of Adult Children of Alcoholics where I experienced support, enlightenment and a level of honesty I will always treasure. Then we worked together to help me eliminate power struggles from my everyday life. We addressed my high need to control and many other issues. My wife and I have also collaborated with M.K. to positive ends. I am a more compassionate and patient man today, one who fully enjoys life on life’s terms.

Jonathan A. -

M.K. put the final polish on my four weeks of recovery at Hanley-Hazelden in July, 1997, where she ran the Family Program, helping addicts and their loved ones to understand each other. Since that time I have talked with many people whose stories are powerful testaments to her skill. I’ve also seen her in action leading meetings and introducing speakers, in addition to being an outstanding speaker herself, spreading a message of hope.

Bill C. -

I had the privilege of working under the supervision of M.K. for more than 10 years at the Hanley Hazelden Family Center in West Palm Beach. I find her to be one of the best psycho educational group and individual facilitators I know. Her high level of skill is matched by her high level of compassion. She remains my go to person when I have personal issues to process. Her skills are multifaceted and brilliant.

Jacqui J. -

There is no possible way words can convey my life experiences with M.K.. Although I come from a fairly affluent, well educated family with good intentions, I struggled with codependency and relationship addiction my entire life. M.K. was the first person who possessed the keen intuition, the professional rigor, the deepest of compassion and the technical knowledge and expertise to assist me in taming this addiction. I no longer look to
others for my value and worth, for I have found the treasures within myself. With my higher power and M.K. at the helm of this ship my life journey has become a thoroughly satisfying experience. I am grateful and eternally indebted to her.

Peter S. -

I have a very unique perspective on the incredible work that M.K. provides. I have known M.K. nearly 30 years, which means we have had a lot of life experience’s together. I am a colleague and a friend. During the times I have worked with this gifted therapist I grew to have deep respect and admiration for her level of integrity, clear focus on client care, and the many incredible assets she brought to the organization as a whole. Several years later she became a sub-contractor for my business. Again what an incredible asset, working with complex family dynamics she was gifted at bringing issues to the light, and showed each person how they could be part of the solution. I have referred clients to her regularly and I’m very proud to call her my friend and colleague.

Darlis M. -

I first received counseling from M.K. at a particularly challenging point in my life, in a situation I was unequipped to deal with in a mature or healthy way. Her qualities of acceptance and ability to listen, to empathize, and to gently discuss the things she observed supplemented the experience, strength and hope she shared. This proved to be exactly what I needed. I am indebted to M.K. who introduced me to a 12 step program of recovery where I have gained a number of tools that I apply in my much-improved but still in progress life. I do not hesitate to say the M.K.’s expert guidance marked a turning point in my life; I have spoken to any number of people who have shared that same experience. I whole-heartedly recommend M.K. to anyone seeking the assistance of a Life Coach. In terms of ability and experience, I believe she has few peers in the community.

Lou S. -

At 39, after a lifetime of drinking, I met M.K. She was the first person in my life who offered me an opportunity to look into my behavior and she empowered me to change. She is tough, but respectful, fair and compassionate. I owe 18 years of continuous sobriety to the start that she gave me. She is an amazing human being to boot!

Anthony T. -

My name is Bobby K. I have known M.K. for more than 28 years. One of the most amazing things I know about her is that she has the ability to see thru all the chaos and mud and discover what is really going on in a situation. She has helped me find clarity in many situations in my life. I have sent friends of mine to her and they have come back with the same response, she helped pick through the small stuff and get to the real core issue. In the time that I have known her she has set goals for herself and taken the steps to achieve those goals. MK has been a true friend and inspiration to me.

Bobby K. -

Compassionate. No Nonsense. Delivers Truth. M.K.’s experiences and her profound intelligence allow her to deliver a true gift to those who seek peace and normality in a dysfunctional world. She is passionate about her work. Over the years I have been fortunate to have M.K.’s assistance concerning personal and seemingly complicated situations. M.K. has always been there for me with compassion, while at the same time suggesting thought provoking ideas by way of pertinent questions. Brilliant! I am blessed for having known M.K..

Diane R. -

My first sessions with M.K. were in 2005. She showed amazing interest in my individual struggles and was dedicated to working towards resolutions and improvements with true concern and love. In one of those sessions she matched me with an AA sponsor; I still work with him today. I have known M.K. for thirteen years now and she still shows the same enthusiasm for her work as when I first met her. I would recommend M.K. to anyone
seeking to make self evaluations and emotional changes to improve their lives.

Mike B. -

M.K. is very insightful and encourages thoughtfulness because she is very thought provoking herself. I highly recommend doing studies with her. She really helped me take an honest and compassionate look at myself.

Stephanie K. -

With the work I have done with M.K., I am able to move forward and approach life with many valuable new skills that have greatly improved my personal relationships. I am truly grateful to her.

Katy D. -

For 20 years I have been blessed to have M.K. in my life. She is fun, witty and smart beyond words. M.K. also takes life seriously in the arena of growth and spiritual responsibility. She is deeply contemplative and brings that quality to her work. She is a wonderful mirror through her silence, her words and her actions. Most of all M.K. is truly honest, no matter what. I recommend M.K. as a Life Coach to anyone on the path of improved self care and improved self management.

Mary B. -

I have known and worked with M.K. for 18 years. She is the best clinician I have known having worked in the field for 25 years. Her ability to connect, gain trust and assist people on their journey is without equal. I have referred potential clients to her and would do the same for any of my loved ones if needed.

Jim R. -

M.K. is a very knowledgeable, kind and gentle person. She created a safe place where I could be vulnerable and open my mind to explore the possibilities of making positive changes in my life. I highly recommend her as a Life Coach.

Karen S -

I first met MK in 2011. Since then she has become a good friend and someone for whom I have the utmost respect. I know her to be very knowledgeable and competent as a Life Coach. But beyond just that, I know her to be a truly kind, caring and compassionate person who lives with principle in all aspects of her life.

Charles W -

I thank M.K. for all her help in getting me on the right track with my daughter. I was very concerned that the communication between Stephanie and I was moving in the wrong direction and was starting to tear us apart. I am grateful that M.K. showed me a better way to communicate with my daughter. Learning how to talk to Stephanie without upsetting her while still keeping healthy boundaries was most helpful. Today my daughter and I have a wonderful relationship that, at one point, I didn’t think would be possible. M.K. was great at understanding my issue and working with me to achieve the goals I desired.

Carmen R. -

I have known M.K. for over 25 years both personally and professionally. She is honest, forthright, kind, and dependable. M.K. is known for her forward thinking as well as for using cutting-edge skills. She is open to new ideas, a good listener, inquisitive. These gifts allow others to feel “listened to” by M.K., a rare and most valuable gift for a therapist and a friend. She understands complex ideas, is independent, innovative, and inventive. I find M.K. naturally looks at both sides of a situation. She seems to find most things interesting which makes her the good and perceptive listener that she is. This allows her to draw out deep and important things from people. M.K. sees the humor in life which gives her a wry sense of the absurd, often bringing humor to healing. She is a visionary. Ahead of her time.

Jayne J. -

I have only positive things to say about M.K.. Her character is impeccable and has demonstrated itself in her individual and group counseling. My experience with M.K. has been truly inspiring. M.K. has the knowledge, experience and compassion necessary to help people guide themselves towards a more fulfilling life.

Jesse T. -

M.K. is a kind, sensitive person. She is a good listener and gives feedback that will produce solutions. She speaks with a soft toned voice an encourages me to keep moving forward with positive thoughts. M.K. is a remarkable woman, wife, friend and support.

Carol M. -

I’ve been working with M.K. for nearly 10 years including a few when I was active in my addiction and relapsing frequently. M.K. helped me get the proper treatment during this run and guided me through early recovery. I now have 7+ years of Blessed sobriety and a life I never thought I’d have.

Bob A. -

M.K. has for many years been a grounding presence in my life. She asks the right questions and listens, really listens. She has acted as a guide to help me see situations, and my role in them, more clearly and to develop a healthy plan of action. She has helped me to grow both spiritually and emotionally. I am grateful for her influence in my life.

Linda K. -

M.K. is an excellent Life Coach. At our first meeting she gained my full confidence and trust. I always felt like I had her absolute attention and that helping me was her top priority. In areas that were not in her field of expertise, she would access an excellent resource file to meet my needs. I am grateful to M.K. for the help that both I and my family received. In my opinion she is special.

Clare L. -

I’ve known M.K. since 1997. She has been one of the most influential people in my life. During the darkest time of my life she was there for me. Twenty years later we are still close friends.

Dick K. -

M.K.’s magic is that she can empathize with the turmoil of a deeply troubled mind and gently lead it to a place of safety. She is uniquely qualified to understand the aftermath of trauma and the ruinous effects of addiction, depression and self loathing. MK saved my life. She continues to save my life today by helping me identify the self sabotaging thought patterns to which I so often fall prey. I am a happier man now, and I owe it in large part to M.K.’s counsel, kindness and wisdom.

Peter G. -

I have collaborated in conducting addiction workshops to seminarians preparing for priesthood, presentations to parents regarding their efforts to prevent their children from getting involved with drugs, and talking to families about their own continuing care and support for their recovery. Her expertise includes individual, group, and couples work. She has been invaluable in our collaborations. I’ve known M.K. professionally and socially since the mid 1990s.

Erik V. -

I have had the pleasure of knowing M.K. for more that 15 years. She is a highly skilled leader of Facilitated Psycho-Educational Groups helping many, many people to live more fulfilling lives, including myself. As a participant in one of M.K.’s groups I was well on my way to a promising future of new possibilities.

Marcia B. -

M.K. is like no other therapist with whom I have worked. Her unique approach addresses issues directly, and her humor adds lightness to what may sometimes be dark subjects. I cannot say enough about her, both as a Life Coach and an ever-evolving human being.

Lynda H. -

M.K. is honest, caring and respectful. She has won awards for her work in the recovery field and has helped me personally with codependency issues. M.K. practices the fine art of self-care and continues to show me the way.

Gerry F. -

I am honored to recommend the services of M.K. and have complete confidence in the high ethical standards she maintains with clients in both group and private sessions. From the very start, I was impressed by M.K.’s direct and confrontational manner coupled with a sense of compassion when addressing the life-threatening aspects of Substance Use Disorders and their relationship to family systems. M.K. has a wealth of experience and tools that provide her clients with a sound foundation for applying principles of self-care to develop life skills oriented towards positive and long-lasting change. I have often referred both professionals and clients to her care as a Life Coach in order to develop positive change in their practices and lifestyle choices.

Allen S. -

My wife and I worked with M.K. a couple of years ago as individuals and as a couple. She helped us grow as a couple as well as individuals. M.K. is one of the most intuitive, insightful and direct human beings I have ever met. She has a way of communicating that impacted me then and still does today. More than anyone, she showed me how to speak my truth and treat myself with kindness, compassion and respect. I am grateful to know her
and will always be in her debt.

Steven A. -

M.K. is a seasoned professional with decades of experience marked by pragmatism, respect, humor, and discernment.  She is the best clinician I have ever met. M.K.’s gift is that she is a very real and extremely powerful channel for healing.  Her honest feedback and suggestions have helped me to identify what makes me tick, and more importantly, have empowered me to make better choices, ones I didn’t even know were on the menu of my life. Every moment I have spent with M.K. translates to hours I have been able to give back to my family and loved ones.  M.K. has been an integral part of my journey of self discovery and healing.

Irene M. -

I wrote this testimonial to praise the work of M.K.. I was looking for someone to make a difference in my life and that she has done. Her calm demeanor and soothing feedback is delivered in a healthy, supportive manner. I participate in a group sessions as well and as a facilitator, she is amazing. I would recommend M.K. to anyone looking for a safe, healthy, positive environment to grow. I am grateful to the friend who recommended her.

Kathy F. -

Call to Schedule a Session: (561) 676-3518